My Rides - Overview
Featuring over 100 Ride Reports from 2012 to the present!
My Rides are the backbone of Bike Wales, but with having so many to sort through, it seemed logical to organise them into categories.
Quite simply, this section includes the most recent ride reports I've written. Additionally, I'll include older reports which have updated the new design.
Just like it says on the tin; rides organized by year. You can see too that I've added another tier in the navbar to skip this page if you choose.
Looking over the list; I've chosen a few of my favourites. Here you'll also find my selections for "Ride of the Year" as well as each year's runners-up.
Ride Archive
After so many years, this blog has been through a lot. What you're viewing today was designed and built during 2020 & 2021. I officially launched this new site in February of 2022 — making this the third iteration of Bike Wales.
You can view the seven significant changes made to the design here: ► A Brief Tour
You can view the seven significant changes made to the design here: ► A Brief Tour
Not that I think you'll ever want (or need) to see these pages, but these links reflect the early days of Bike Wales and assist me with managing the older ride reports in their original design.
- Archive: 2016-2020 - figuring out what I wanted to do...
- Archive: 2012-2015 - stumbling along...